Star Trek:
Into Darkness has everything that both an action fan and a Star
Trek fan could want: space battles, fist fights, Klingons, canon
characters, aliens, a baddy who is truly threatening and Kirk giving
every woman who walks past ‘the eye’.
What more could you want?
Well, for a starters, a storyline that doesn’t end just as it gets
One of the great failings of Hollywood producers and writers is their inability to trust an audience with more
than just one thread of story – one single thread. Into Darkness
was written as though the
producers saw the secondary storyline they had presented us with –
that of an Admiral wanting to start a war with the Klingons – as
too much of a hassle to try to flesh out and
incorporate further into the film so decided that it was far easier
just to kill it.
What we get left with is a bad guy story so standard that you could
take out all SF trappings and it would be, at the most, just a
second-rate action film.
Warstub, you’re being too harsh. Didn’t you enjoy it?
certainly did enjoy it. It was action-packed with a story that kept
pushing forward, that is, until I realised that it wasn’t pushing
forward any more and had settled for the action sequences to wrap
everything up with. ‘But, but, what about the Klingons? What about
all the death that the bad guy caused while Kirk was on the Klingon
home-world? Shouldn’t they be blaming humans for this and deciding
to retaliate?’ Heck, with that scenario, the Admiral barely even
needed to show up to try to ‘fix’ things and start the war he was
after; the Klingons would have been so pissed off that they should
have been gathering all Birds of Prey together and initiating a
battle in space regardless of what the humans were or weren’t
doing. There was this feeling throughout that the writers felt like
they needed to fall back on using a canon character to draw in our
attention and interest. ‘What else you got writers?’ Well,
they said straight back at me, wanna
see us destroy another Enterprise? ‘Gee,
I don’t know. There seems to an abundance of Enterprises going down
in feature length films that it almost seems old hat’ I say back at
them. Oh, in
that case, we’ll save it then. But just in case, here’s a really,
really, big Federation ship crashing into the sea causing a massive
wave of destruction and then skidding onto land and ploughing through
tall buildings and killing lots of good innocent people!
And it’s not even the fall-back technique in the end –
Christopher Pike, Kirk dying for dramatic effect and motivational
drive, the attempt at learning human emotion through Spock and Lt.
Uhura having a relationship; it’s the fact that none of these
things moved together in a fleshed out storyline. Into Darkness did little more than present characters and a
bad guy fighting against each other as if to do nothing more than
justify itself as back-story. And don’t even get me started on the
inconsistencies to canon that seemed to get thrown right out the
window for the sake of dramatic effect!*
the first half, if not even three quarters, this film was really
enjoyable and actually quite strong, one I recommend but with serious
reservations; and the critique that I’ve bombarded it with is
really aimed at the writers and studios who never seem to balance
good story with original characters and original plot. On
I’m actually disappointed in how much the film falls back on old
characters, because if anything, that’s just a sign of not being
able to come up with their own wonderful and original script. I find
the story parallels to previous Star Trek films and canon actually
souring my original enjoyment of Into
“I guess less Trekkie,
more action might be the short story,” Anthony Marcoly told
And when you look back on the story, it actually does feel short –
even at a full two hours!
What is ultimately disappointing is that the writers had an
action-packed bear-bones script that could have still remained faithful to canon instead of
sacrificing characters that appear later on in The Original Series
just for the sake of drama. That’s just poor writing as far as I’m
Is it too much to expect more in Science Fiction?
Is it too much to ask for better consistencies in extrapolated
I don’t think so.